فيتامينات الشعر

Sale price$ 25.00

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يستخدم Bounce Curl مكونات عالية الجودة. نحن نختار بعناية المكونات التي يمكن أن تصمم وترطب وتحافظ على تجعيد الشعر الجميل. منتجاتنا مصنوعة من Pure Love ومهمتنا هي "مساعدتك على احتضان شخصيتك الطبيعية!"

نحن لا نختبر على الحيوانات. نحن خالي من منتجات الألبان ، وخالي من فول الصويا ، وخالي من الغلوتين ، ونحن نباتيون ونباتيون. لا يحتوي على سيليكونات ، ولا بارابين ، ولا كبريتات ، ولا ربط ، ولا يحتوي على مادة DEA / MEA. آمن على اللون ونباتي ، خالي من القسوة!

فيتامينات باونس كيرل مصممة لتزويد جسمك بالعناصر الغذائية المناسبة للمساعدة في تقوية المظهر الصحي للشعر والجلد والأظافر. يميز زيت الحبة السوداء هذه الفيتامينات عن تركيبات الفيتامينات الأخرى. كانت هذه المكونات ضرورية لي ولعائلتي لأطول فترة ممكنة. كبرت ، تعرضت للعديد من المكونات الشرق أوسطية الخاصة مثل زيت الحبة السوداء و Inistol. يمكن لهذه المكونات أن تعيد اللمعان ، وهناك أدلة سردية قوية على أنها يمكن أن تعطي مظهرًا أطول وأكثر كثافة للشعر.



Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Choline, Zinc, Black Cumin Seed Powder, Inositol, Silica, Hypromellose, Nu-Flow

Customer Reviews

Based on 252 reviews

Best thing ever

These are Great

My nails are growing fast and Ive only been using them going on 3 weeks I also notice my hair isnt shrinking like it used to prior i just ordered another bottle abd will continue to use

Won’t be without these!

I have been using these for over four years and buy 2 bottles at a time for convenience as I know I will use them. After I started using them I noticed a change in the rate of my hair growth- I dye my hair and used to need to do a root touch up every 5 weeks or so as my new growth was so minimal. Now I HAVE to do it every four weeks and probably should go to every three because the my gray growth is showing so obviously. If I stop stop these, I revert back to minimal growth. My hair is actually getting long now!! These are a must-have for me.


I'm pretty neutral on these. I've only been taking them a few weeks, and don't quite understand their benefit

Thank you for sharing your experience. Our hair vitamins are formulated to support overall hair health and may take some time to show noticeable results. They contain essential nutrients that can promote stronger, healthier hair & nails over time.

If you have any specific questions about the benefits of our hair vitamins or how they work, please feel free to reach out. Thank you for giving our product a try, and we hope you'll continue to see improvements in your hair health as you continue using it.


On my 2nd bottle and I don’t see any changes or improvements yet.

We do recommend giving our product at least three months to observe any noticeable changes, as consistency is key in achieving the best results. If you have any specific concerns or would like personalized recommendations, please feel free to share more details about your hair care routine or any challenges you may be facing. Our customer support team is here to assist you and provide guidance on how to get the most out of our product.

Thank you!

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